Patients & Caregivers

Face COVID: How to Respond Effectively to the Corona Crisis

Source: Dr. Russ Harris

This 12-page guide assists patients with coping during the COVID-19 pandemic from Dr. Russ Harris. The guide draws upon acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) principles to help people FACE COVID by:

Payers & Providers

Provider Guide to Buprenorphine Treatment during COVID-19

Source: Montifiore Health System

This 1-page guide from Montifiore Health Systems guides providers in prescribing buprenorphine during the COVID-19 pandemic. This information sheet discusses telemedicine best practices and changes in regulatory guidance during the pandemic,

Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Patient Tip Sheet: Buprenorphine Treatment During Coronavirus

Source: Montifiore Health System

This 1-page patient guide to buprenorphine treatment from Montifiore Health System, created specifically for care during the COVID-19 pandemic, discusses how clinicians will maintain treatment though telephonic visits, provides advice on stress reduction and avoiding relapse, and offers recommendations to ensure patient safety and health.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Stop Overdose

Source: University of Washington Alcohol & Drug Abuse Instititute

This website from the University of Washington Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute is devoted to helping individuals and communities prevent and respond to opioid overdose in the state.

External Website
Patients & Caregivers

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens

Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse

The National Institute on Drug Abuse website provides information about alcohol and drugs for youth ages 11 to 17. The website includes materials written specifically for a teen audience, as well as

External Website
Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Supervision of Peer Workers – Presentation

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

This presentation slide set details the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s framework for supervising peer support services.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

Prevent Overdose RI

Source: Prevent Overdose Rhode Island

The website for Prevent Overdose Rhode Island serves as a centralized source for information about Rhode Island’s multifaceted response to the drug overdose crisis. The site includes the state action plan, information about prevention, overdose rescue efforts including naloxone, treatment services, and recovery support services.

External Website