Payers & Providers

The Art and (Very Little) Science of Tapering

Source: Partnership Health Plan of California

This 2015 video from Dr. Andrea Rubinstein provides guidance to providers on how to work with patients to taper their opioid medication dosage. Includes a discussion on indications for tapering, 10 best practices for

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

One Decision

Source: Adam Stewart

A 13 minute video about opioid addiction created by Adam Stewart as part of his Eagle Scout Service Project with Boy Scout Troop 70 Lewisburg, West Virginia. Adam’s intention is to provide information that may help people avoid acquiring an opioid addiction by deciding not to take opioids.

Payers & Providers

The Oregon State Drug Review: Update on Recent Guidance and Safety Alerts for Opioid Use in Non-cancer Pain

Source: Oregon Department of Human Services

This 2019 update from the Oregon Drug Use Research & Management board provides recommendations for the use of opioids in treating non-cancer pain. The document summarizes guidelines on opioid prescribing produced by the Veterans Administration, the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, and the Oregon Health Authority.

Payers & Providers

2018 Arizona Opioid Prescribing Guidelines

Source: Arizona Department of Health Services

The 2018 Arizona guidelines for the treatment of acute and chronic pain are intended to reduce over-reliance on opioid therapy in treating chronic pain and increase awareness of the risks of opioid therapy. It includes 17 guidelines addressing treatment of acute and chronic pain, and opioid

Patients & Caregivers

Opioid Overdose Prevention – Spanish

Source: Veterans Health Administration

A Spanish language brochure about opioid overdose prevention from the Veterans Health Administration. It includes information about identifying an overdose, how to respond to an overdose, and steps to take to improve safety if one does choose to use opioids. Part of a series of resources about opioid safety for patients from the Veterans Health Administration. Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

State Strategies to Address Opioid Use Disorder Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Infants Prenatally Exposed to Substances, Including Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Source: Kroelinger, C.D. et. al., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A report from a 12 state learning collaborative on improving treatment of opioid use disorder among pregnant and parenting women and infants exposed to opioids. The report focuses on the strategies states used to expand access to and coordination of services, improve education and training for providers, use data to monitor and evaluate initiatives, enhance medical coverage and reimbursement policies, and address ethical, legal, and social considerations such as stigma.

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Patients & Caregivers

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse

This is the website for the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health. Provides reports on research into addiction and treatment, funding notices, publications, and other reports related to opioids and other addictive substances. Funding Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health

External Website
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Payers & Providers

Educational Toolkit: Perinatal Drug Exposure Resources

Source: Northern Arizona Healthcare, Arizona Substance Abuse Task Force, Arizona Statewide Task Force on Preventing Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Other Drugs

This toolkit includes informational resources for patients and providers addressing perinatal drug exposure and appropriate treatment of substance-exposed newborns. Guidance is offered for multiple substances including opioids, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, marijuana, anti-depressants, hallucinogens, and other substances (e.g., special K, kratom). The toolkit includes references and links to relevant resources. Funding Source:  Northern Arizona Healthcare, Arizona Substance Abuse Task Force, Arizona Statewide Task Force on Preventing Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Other Drugs

Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

How to Use the Veterans Administration Auto-Injector Naloxone Kit

Source: Veterans Health Administration

This 7 minute video shows a patient-pharmacist conversation about naloxone, the importance of having it with you, and safe storage instructions. The video demonstrates how to use a naloxone auto-injector kit. Part of a 2 video series; the first video shows a conversation between the patient, his spouse, and his prescriber about the importance of understanding the risk of overdose when taking prescription opioids. Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration
