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COVID-19 Resources

Source: National Academies of Science, Engineering, & Medicine

The National Academies of Medicine’s COVID-19 response page includes resources for supporting individuals with substance use disorder and those who experience pain. It includes links to NAM’s publications and webinars as well as links to other organizations producing materials to address the needs of these individuals.

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Buprenorphine Home Induction Instructions for Patients

Source: Montifiore Health System

This 2-page guide is designed for patients who are beginning buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder at home under the guidance of their prescriber.

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Rise Above Colorado

Source: Rise Above Colorado

Rise Above Colorado works to prevent teen drug abuse. The program is notable for its Colorado Methamphetamine Project which includes free resources for educators and community leaders to educate youth about meth use.

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Scorecard on State Health System Performance

Source: The Commonwealth Fund

The Commonwealth Fund annually compiles information from all states measuring access to care, quality of care, health outcomes, and health disparities. This interactive website allows users to view the data by topic or state. The subject matter of the website is broad, with some measures directly addressing opioid related issues such as drug overdose deaths and access to behavioral health treatment. Funding Source:  The Commonwealth Fund

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Heal Safely

Source: Heal Safely

This website was developed by stakeholders in Oregon to help patients and their caregivers Heal Safely from injury and trauma. It includes patient stories and resources for patients to develop a pain management plan and understand the risks of prescription medications. The website was developed with tribal and Latino participation and has a option to display materials and videos in Spanish.

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Project Nurture: The Role of Peer Support Mentors

Source: Health Share of Oregon

A 10 minute video about the Project Nurture model of providing prenatal, maternity, and post partum care to women with substance use disorder and pediatric care for their infants. Includes stories from the peer support mentors who help the patients throughout the program. Funding Source:  Health Share of Oregon

Patients & Caregivers

My Pain Medication: Am I at Risk for an Accidental Drug Poisoning?

Source: Veterans Administration Academic Detailing Service

A patient brochure from the Veterans Health Administration educating patients about the risks of accident drug poisoning from prescription opioids. Using a true/false question format, it addresses the myth that prescription opioids when used as prescribed do not pose a risk of accidental poisoning. Part of a series of resources about opioid safety for patients from the Veterans Health Administration. Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration

Patients & Caregivers

Opioids – Do You Know the Truth About Opioid Use Disorder?

Source: Veterans Administration Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing

This patient brochure from the Veterans Health Administration provides basic information about opioid use disorder and addresses aspects of stigma. It uses a format of posing True or False questions such as: are opioids effective for the long-term management of pain? Is developing opioid use disorder a choice? And is it true that people can never recover from opioid use disorder?

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Prescription Drug Community Action Kit: Survivor Story – Ken

Source: National Safety Council

A first person story about opioid user Ken whose workplace injury led to a four year addiction to pain killers. Through Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Ken is on the road to recovery.
