Rx Pain Medications: Dangerous Drug Interactions

This one page document includes information about substances and medications that can cause dangerous interactions with prescription opioids. According to this resource, patients are advised to avoid mixing prescription pain medication with alcohol, antihistamines, cough syrup, barbituates, benzodiazepines, and general anesthetics. Continue reading

Rethinking Pain

Research shows that pain can be made worse by stress. This 2 page patient guide describes the relationship between pain and stress and provides tips to quieting the stress response and focusing on things that make you feel good. Continue reading

Tips for Increasing Restful Sleep

Research shows that disturbed sleep can make pain problems worse. This patient guide provides tips for increasing restful sleep including changes people can make in their sleep habits and environment and ways to reduce stress. Also included is a chart where patients can track the changes they are making to their sleep routines. Continue reading