Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Prescription Drug Community Action Kit: Survivor Story – Skye

Source: National Safety Council

Skye began her opioid use at age 13 after dental surgery and eventually developed a heroin addiction and a long arrest record. With the help of her family, Skye completed treatment, worked as a peer mentor and overdose prevention counselor, and now is therapist and assistant director of a counseling program that

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Prescription Drug Community Action Kit: Survivor Story – Sally

Source: National Safety Council

Sally’s story details her opioid use, which began following dental surgery at 14 and escalated into adulthood until she lost her job and was no longer able to support herself. At age 20, she began 3 years of treatment and relapses and became stabilized and in recovery after joining a methadone treatment program.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Prescription Behavior Surveillance System Issue Brief

Source: CDC National Center for injury Prevention and Control and Brandeis University

This 2017 data brief from the Prescription Behavior Surveillance System compares trends in synthetic opioid overdose deaths in 5 states to trends in law enforcement reports on fentanyl and prescriptions for fentanyl in those states. A product of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Center of Evidence at Brandeis University.

Patients & Caregivers

What Parents (and Grandparents) Need to Know About Prescription Opioid Painkillers

Source: National Safety Council

This one page guide educates caregivers about the risks of opioid use for children and teens and provides advice for how to safely store medications, how to speak with physicians about any opioid prescriptions, and how to communicate with children and teams about the risks of opioid use.

Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Arizona Sample Pain Treatment Patient Agreement Forms

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This resource provides two sample patient agreement forms for patients beginning or continuing long term treatment with opioid analgesics or other controlled substances. The agreement forms include information about how to obtain refills, the conditions of medication use, the

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Prescription Drug Community Action Kit: Survivor Story – Ken

Source: National Safety Council

A first person story about opioid user Ken whose workplace injury led to a four year addiction to pain killers. Through Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Ken is on the road to recovery.

Payers & Providers

Washington State Opioid Prescribing Requirements – Guide for Pharmacists

Source: Washington Department of Health

The Washington legislature directed the medical associations in the state to develop opioid prescribing guidelines for their professions by 2019. This 4 page document provides a guide to pharmacists on the new prescribing guidelines. Funding Source:  Washington State Department of Health

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Washington State Opioid Provider Feedback Report

Source: Washington Department of Health

The prescription monitoring program in Washington state sends prescribers a feedback report if one of 4 prescribing measures lies at or above the 95th percentile of all prescribers:. This is a sample feedback report. Funding Source:  Washington State Department of Health

Payers & Providers

Washington State Board and Commission Opioid Prescribing Requirement Differences

Source: Washington Department of Health

The Washington legislature directed the medical associations in the state to develop opioid prescribing guidelines for their professions by 2019. This 2 page document provides a high level overview of the guidelines and compares and contrasts their contents. Funding Source:  Washington Department of Health
