
This 25 page document on heroin includes information of interest to patients and caregivers, policy makers, and state and local community leaders. Published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2018, it covers topics such as scope of heroin use in the United States, the effects of heroin use including medical Continue reading

Corey’s Story: Face to Face with the Prescription Opioid Crisis

Cory Palazzi survived an opioid overdose in 2013, but he suffered brain damage and is now legally blind. Now Cory works to educate patients and their caregivers about the risks of prescription opioids and life after addiction. This video was produced by the National Safety Council in 2018.

Funding Source: National Safety Council

A New Path: Parents for Addiction Treatment & Healing

The website for A New Path, an advocacy group of parents, citizens, individuals in recovery, community leaders and health care professionals working to educate the public, media and policy makers about addiction and expand access to treatment. The group has a focus on reducing the stigma associated with Continue reading

In the Rooms: A Global Recovery Community

In the Rooms is an online social network for individuals in recovery across the globe. The site requires users to create a log-in to access live online recovery meetings as well as other resources, although all services are free and confidential. Continue reading


This “Addictionary” created by the Recovery Research Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital lists language patients, providers, and policy makers can use that is not stigmatizing and creates a supportive treatment environment for substance use disorders. Continue reading

Substance Use Disorders: Resources

This website provides resources such as toolkits, documents, and education courses for psychiatric pharmacists and advanced practice clinical pharmacists as they seek to further their knowledge and training on this topic. Continue reading

Tame the Beast: Rethinking Persistent Pain

This website presents information about persistent or chronic pain for patients with the end goal of empowering patients to manage and relieve their own pain. Based out of Australia, the website is a co-creation of a pain scientist, a pain physiotherapist, and a professional communicator. Continue reading