Policymakers & Community Leaders

PBSS Data Brief: Patient Risk Measures for Controlled Substance Prescriptions in West Virginia, 2010-2014

Source: Prescription Behavior Surveillance System - Brandeis University

The Prescription Behavior Surveillance System (PBSS) collects deindentified data from state prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) to identify trends in controlled substance prescribing and dispensing and indicators of non-medical use and diversion. This 2015 report summarizes the data from West Virginia’s PDMP

Payers & Providers

Washington State Opioid Prescribing Requirements for Dentists

Source: Washington Department of Health

The Washington legislature directed the medical associations in the state to develop opioid prescribing guidelines for their professions by 2019. This 4 page document briefly explains the guidelines developed for dentists. Funding Source:  Washington State Department of Health

Payers & Providers

Opioid Taper Decision Tool

Source: Veterans Administration Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing

A toolkit prepared by the Veterans Health Administration to help primary care providers manage opioid tapering in their practices. It includes steps to take before beginning a taper including assessing the patient for conditions that might complicate the tapering process and communicating directly with the patient about opioid safety and tapering options.

Payers & Providers

Tapering Toolkit Provider Resources

Source: Partnership HealthPlan of California

This 2016 toolkit from Partnership Health Plan of California provides guidance for providers seeking to engage their patients in a step-wise, physician directed tapering of their opioid dose. The toolkit has 4 sections: how to identify candidates for tapering, how to collaboratively set a tapering plan with the patient, how to manage the tapering process and complications, and advice on planning for special situations

Patients & Caregivers

Washington’s New Opioid Prescribing Rules for Patients

Source: Washington Department of Health

This 3 minute video explains the 2018 Washington State opioid prescribing guidelines for patients and caregivers. The video features the voices of pain patients and advocates. Funding Source:  Washington State Department of Health

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Technical Assistance Guide: History of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

Source: Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center

This 2018 report from the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Training and Technical Assistance Center at Brandeis University describes the history of PDMPs in the United States. From the first program established in 1918 in New York through Supreme Court decisions until the 21st century when 49 states, the

Payers & Providers

Health Plan Rx for the Opioid Epidemic

Source: California Health Care Foundation

This one page document summarizes the strategies health plans can use to reduce opioid overuse and misuse among their patient populations as described in the 2 California Health Care Foundation Reports. Funding Source:  California Health Care Foundation

Payers & Providers

Changing Course: The Role of Health Plans in Curbing the Opioid Epidemic

Source: California Health Care Foundation

A 2016 report from the California Health Care Foundation on strategies health plans can adopt to address opioid overuse and misuse among their insured populations. The report provides examples of strategies in 4 areas: engaging providers, working with high-risk members, addressing misuse, and supporting healthy

Payers & Providers

Case Studies: Three California Health Plans Take Action Against Opioid Overuse

Source: Case studies of 3 California health plans that took aggressive action to reduce opioid overuse and misuse in their patient populations.

This 2016 report profiles 3 California health plans that took aggressive actions to reduce opioid overuse and misuse among their patient populations and presents the results from their efforts. The report profiles the efforts of Partnership Health Plan of California, Blue Shield of California, and Kaiser Permanente Southern California. Prepared by the California Health Care Foundation. Funding Source:  California Health Care Foundation
