Policymakers & Community Leaders

PBSS Data Brief: Patient Risk Measures for Controlled Substance Prescriptions in Idaho, 2012-2014

Source: Prescription Behavior Surveillance System - Brandeis University

The Prescription Behavior Surveillance System (PBSS) collects deindentified data from state prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) to identify trends in controlled substance prescribing and dispensing and indicators of non-medical use and diversion. This 2016 report summarizes the data from Idaho’s PDMP.

Payers & Providers

Pharmacist Tools and Resources

Source: Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse

A 2016 list of resources for pharmacists in Arizona to help them reduce prescription drug abuse. It includes training opportunities and information about the prescription drug monitoring database, how to subscribe to pharmacy fraud alerts, and how to prevent pharmacy robbery and burglary.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse

Source: Arizona Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Arizona launched the Rethink Rx Abuse campaign as a way to engage communities in educating their citizens about the risks of prescription drug misuse. This is the website for the campaign where communities can access training from the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family and can

External Website
Patients & Caregivers

Check Your Medicines – Tips for Using Medicine Safely

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This one page fact sheet provides 8 tips for patients and caregivers about how to safely use prescription medications. Includes recommendations for how to communicate with your prescriber including what questions to ask during an appointment and also address safe storage and disposal.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Notices of Final Rulemaking: Health Care Institutions – Licensing

Source: Arizona Administrative Register Volume 24 Issue 13

The Arizona Department of Health Services adopted regulations overseeing opioid prescribing and treatment in licensed health care facilities in 2018. The regulations require health care institutions to adopt and implement policies intended to ensure safe prescribing and administration of opioid medications.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Do You Know What You’re Getting Into? (Version 2)

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. The graphic shows a capsule opening to spill out words that describe the side effects and consequences of prescription drug misuse. It concludes with the tag line: “Do You Know What You Are Getting Into?”

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Do You Know What You’re Getting Into?

Source: Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. The graphic shows a capsule opening to spill out words that describe the side effects and consequences of prescription drug misuse. It concludes with the tag line: “Do You Know What You Are Getting Into?”

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Abuse Prescription Drugs and They Will Abuse You

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. With a vivid yellow and orange background, it includes minimal text and highlights the risks of prescription drug misuse. The key message is: “Abuse prescription drugs, and they will abuse you.” Part of

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Rx Drug Take-Back Days vs. Permanent Rx Drug Drop Boxes – Why Agencies Need Both

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This one page fact sheet explains why communities need to have both permanent prescription drug drop boxes and designated prescription drug take back days. Includes advice from 3 Arizona police chiefs about how to set up a program and what you can expect to achieve. Part of the Arizona
