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Determinism and Destigmatization: Mitigating Blame for Addiction

Source: T.W. Clark

This philosophical and scientific exploration of understanding addiction and stigma explores various models explaining addictive behavior, and presents a model of “pragmatic determinism” that recognizes an individual’s genetic or social factors may contribute to the development of addiction while also acknowledging that empowering an individual’s ability to make choices in a compassionate and effective treatment program can also be essential for treatment and recovery.

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Patients & Caregivers

#StateWithoutStigMA Television Ad

Source: Commonwealth of Massachusetts

This 30 second public service advertisement describes the importance of rethinking attitudes and actions towards individuals with addiction to encourage their ability to achieve recovery. The ad features people speaking in a cafe and emphasizes the message that addiction is a brain disease and can be treated like other chronic health conditions.

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Stories of Stigma: Mike’s Story

Source: Commonwealth of Massachusetts

This 1 minute video tells the story of Mike who speaks about how the shame of his opioid addiction led him to distance himself from his family and avoid treatment.

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Reversing the Stigma of Opioid Addiction

Source: NBC Left Field

A 10 minute video with the purpose of educating people about opioid addiction and medication assisted treatment (MAT) with a focus on reducing stigma around the disease. Two physicians in Portland, Oregon are featured along with a young woman who successfully treated her opioid use disorder (OUD) with MAT and coordinated services through Project Nurture.

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Distorted Perceptions

Source: On Our Own of Maryland, Inc. and The Anti-Stigma Project

Distorted Perceptions is a public education campaign to counter stigma experienced by individuals with mental health or substance use disorder conditions.

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The Real Stigma of Substance Use Disorders: Does it Matter How We Talk About People with Substance Use Disorder?

Source: Recovery Research Institute

This web page summarizes a study that looked at the effects of language on  attitudes towards people who use substances. The study offered participants two descriptions of individuals — a person who was a “substance abuser” or a person who “had a substance use disorder” – and then asked several questions about the participant’s impressions of these persons.

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Policymakers & Community Leaders

Words Matter: Judicial Language and Substance Use Disorders

Source: National Judicial Opioid Task Force

A briefing paper by the National Judicial Opioid Task Force describing how judicial personnel can reduce the stigma associated with substance use disorder and improve engagement in and success with treatment by making conscious choices about the language used. A list of commonly used stigmatizing words

Payers & Providers

Tell Me What to Say: How to Approach Challenging Patient Conversations

Source: Office Based Addiction Treatment at Boston Medical Center's Grayken for Addiction

This 6 minute video titled “Tell Me What to Say: How to Approach Challenging Patient Conversations” from a clinician at Boston Medical Center’s Grayken Center for Addiction provides guidance for providers having difficult conversations with patients about addiction treatment in clinical settings.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Spirit of Harm Reduction: A Toolkit for Communities of Faith Facing Overdose

Source: National Harm Reduction Coalition

The Faith in Harm Reduction online toolkit is a national collection of faith and community leaders who work together to address stigma against people who use drugs and advance liberation, health, and wholeness for communities impacted by overdose, trauma, stigma of substance use, and radicalized drug policy.

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Changing the Narrative

Source: Health in Justice Action Lab - Northeastern University School of Law

Changing the Narrative works to reduce stigma in media representations of drug use and addiction. Created by the Health in Justice Action Lab at Northeastern University, the website provide evidence-based information to counter common myths about drug use and addiction

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