Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

The website for Partnership for Drug-Free Kids which provides support and resources to parents and caregivers about substance use and addiction. The organization provides information about addiction and offers one-on-one help to parents and caregivers through their text, email, and phone helplines. Partnership for Drug-Free Kids merged with the Center on Addiction in January 2019 to combine their efforts to address addiction and its impact on families and communities. Continue reading

Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program Video

A 12 minute video that explains the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program through a conversation with a client, police officer and case management. The LEAD program seeks to provide a pre-diversion program that treats addiction as a public health issue rather than seeking arrest and court involvement. Continue reading

Something Better

The Arizona Department of Health Services hosts this website which provides information for youth that there are better things to do than misuse drugs or alcohol. The website includes information about alcohol, opioids, and marijuana and coaches youth to identify activities and events that they can participate in rather than misusing alcohol or drugs. Continue reading

Pregnancy Care Provider Quick Reference Checklists: Snuggle ME Guidelines

A 2 page summary of the Maine Snuggle Me guideline for treating pregnant women with substance use disorder and their infants. Includes clinician checklists for recommended care during the first, second and third trimesters and postpartum period.

Funding Source:  Maine Department of Health and Human Services

Educational Toolkit: Perinatal Drug Exposure Resources

This toolkit includes informational resources for patients and providers addressing perinatal drug exposure and appropriate treatment of substance-exposed newborns. Guidance is offered for multiple substances including opioids, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, marijuana, anti-depressants, hallucinogens, and other substances (e.g., special K, kratom). The toolkit includes references and links to relevant resources.

Funding Source:  Northern Arizona Healthcare, Arizona Substance Abuse Task Force, Arizona Statewide Task Force on Preventing Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Other Drugs

Adolescent Trauma and Substance Abuse Online

This is a link to a free continuing education program for mental health clinicians and substance use disorder treatment providers from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. The training explores the relationship between adolescent trauma and substance abuse and includes interactive online modules, a webinar, and a 4-part Train the Trainer video series on working with youth and their caregivers.

Funding Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Project Nurture: The Role of Peer Support Mentors

A 10 minute video about the Project Nurture model of providing prenatal, maternity, and post partum care to women with substance use disorder and pediatric care for their infants. Includes stories from the peer support mentors who help the patients throughout the program.

Funding Source:  Health Share of Oregon

Project Nurture: An Overview of the Model

This 3 minute video explains the Project Nurture model of providing prenatal, maternity, and post partum care to women with substance use disorders and pediatric care for the infants. The model provides an integrated, interdisciplinary team treatment model that includes maternity and substance use disorder treatment along with peer support services and assistance with child welfare issues if needed.

Funding Source:  Health Share of Oregon

Substance Use, Misuse, and Prevention

This report from the National Council on Behavioral Health provides policy makers with an overview of substance use disorder prevention models and strategies. The report also includes a list of resources to access additional information and provides examples of evidence-based prevention programs endorsed by SAMHSA.

Funding Source: Unknown