Payers & Providers

Flip the Script: Difficult Conversations

Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services

This 4 page guide from Minnesota’s Flip the Script campaign centers on health care providers and conducting difficult conversations with patients around opioids. The guide covers topics such as tapering opioid dose, pain relief, emerging behavioral health conditions, and concerns about the addiction risk of using opioids and includes sample language providers can use when talking to patients.

Patients & Caregivers

Prescribed to Death

Source: National Safety Council

A video of patients and caregivers who have experienced addiction after a prescription for opioids. Produced by the National Safety Council, the video emphasizes that many patients and caregivers do not know the risks of opioids or understand that they have been prescribed a potentially addictive substance.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Fentanyl, Carfentanil, and Their Analogs in the Courthouse

Source: National Judicial Opioid Task Force

News reports of first responder’s adverse reactions to synthetic opioids like fentanyl have led to concerns about the risks of the substances for court personnel. This briefing paper from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force discusses the risks of fentanyl and similar substances to court personnel and recommends

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Prescription Drug Community Action Kit: Survivor Story – Louie

Source: National Safety Council

This resource tells the story of a mother whose son Louie began using opioids after a football injury and soon developed opioid use disorder and began using heroin. One month after his second stay in rehabilitation, Louie fatally overdosed on heroin. His mother now advocates on his behalf and shares his story with

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Website for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) opioid initiative. Includes specific information about prevention, treatment, recovery, and HHS’s response to the crisis, as well as resources to find treatment, HHS opioid reports, and videos of personal stories.

External Website
Payers & Providers

Flip the Script: Discussion Guide

Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services

This 4 page guide from Minnesota’s Flip the Script campaign centers on health care providers conducting difficult conversations with patients around opioids. This guide provides information about the risks of long-term opioid therapy and provides information about understanding acute, post-acute and chronic pain. It also outlines talking points and specific language health care providers can use when talking to their patients.

Patients & Caregivers

Opioid Painkillers: How They Work and Why They Can Be Risky

Source: National Safety Council

This 2 page information guide for patients and caregivers explains what opioids are, how they work, how they can lead to death or the development of tolerance, and the relative effectiveness of opioids and non-opioid pain killers. Prepared by the National Safety Council, this publication recommends patients

Payers & Providers

Flip the Script: Discussion Guide for Non-Prescribers

Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services

A 4 page guide for non-prescribers about having difficult conversations with patients about pain management and opioids from Minnesota’s Flip the Script campaign. This guide provides information about the risks of long-term opioid therapy and provides information about understanding acute, post-acute and chronic pain. The guide provides talking points and specific language health care providers can use when talking to their patients and preparing patients to continue the discussion with their prescribing provider.

Patients & Caregivers

My Pain Medication: Am I at Risk for an Accidental Drug Poisoning?

Source: Veterans Administration Academic Detailing Service

A patient brochure from the Veterans Health Administration educating patients about the risks of accident drug poisoning from prescription opioids. Using a true/false question format, it addresses the myth that prescription opioids when used as prescribed do not pose a risk of accidental poisoning. Part of a series of resources about opioid safety for patients from the Veterans Health Administration. Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration
