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Connections App

Source: Addiction Policy Forum and CHESS Health

This free smartphone app is designed to support individuals in recovery from substance use disorder.

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Connections App: Full Explainer

Source: Addiction Policy Forum & CHESS Health

This video gives a thorough introduction to the Connections App, a free smartphone app designed to support individuals in recovery from substance use disorder.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

Recovery Community Organization Toolkit

Source: Faces and Voices of Recovery

This toolkit discusses core principles and strategies for creating a recovery community organization, as well as providing examples of the development of existing recovery community organizations.

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Colorado’s Statewide Strategic Plan for Substance Use Disorder Recovery: 2020-2025

Source: Colorado Health Institute et. Al.

Colorado’s statewide strategic plan for substance use disorder recovery for 2020-2025 was developed after a review of the literature on evidence-based and promising practices in recovery and consultation with an advisory committee and stakeholder engagement meetings. The report defines and describes recovery as part of the continuum of care and outlines 3 objectives for building up Colorado’s capacity to support recovery:


Recovery: Community Programs

Recovery organizations have increasingly been focused on engaging their communities to create recovery supportive environments. This collection features the following resources highlighting community programs:

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Pregnancy and Substance Use: A Harm Reduction Toolkit

Source: National Harm Reduction Coalition

This toolkit on pregnancy and substance use from a harm reduction perspective includes information intended for pregnant and parenting people who use drugs, their loved ones, and their service providers.

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16 and Recovering

Source: MTV

The 16 and Recovering documentary series profiles students attending a recovery high school in Beverly, Massachusetts over the course of a school year. The website includes information on hosting a screening of the documentary as well as links to resources for educators and community members.

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The Benefits and Implementation Challenges of the First State-wide Comprehensive Medication for Addictions Program in a Unified Jail and Prison Setting

Source: Recovery Research Institute

This report provides a summary of a qualitative research study on inmate attitudes toward a medication assisted treatment (MAT) program for substance use disorder in the Rhode Island corrections system. Rhode Island implemented a MAT program in its correctional facilities statewide.

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Community Opioid Prevention Education (COPE) Trailer

Source: Montgomery County (Maryland) Council

This 3 minute video describe the Community Opioid Prevention and Education (COPE) trailer deployed by the Montgomery County, Maryland police department. The COPE trailer uses a model bedroom and bathroom to educate citizens about the signs of opioid abuse they might see in their friends and loved ones and provides information about accessing treatment and using naloxone to reverse opioid overdose.

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GOAL Project

Source: GOAL Project

GOAL (Global Outreach for Addiction Leadership and Learning) helps faith-based organizations build sustainable addiction prevention and recovery support programs. GOAL is based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and also works in communities around the world including Kenya and Uganda.

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