Policymakers & Community Leaders
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Patients & Caregivers

Opioid Use Disorder – A Guide for Stigma Reduction Efforts

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This 2 page guide from the ReThink Rx Initiative in Arizona defines stigma and explains why we must address stigma in order to have an impact on the opioid and addiction crisis. It also describes 8 steps individuals and organizations can take to reduces stigma.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Pop Positivity…Not Pills

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. In this poster, the message is positive (“Pop positivity, not pills”) and includes a graphic depicting various activities or talents youth can engage with rather than misusing substances. It concludes with an

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Opioid Epidemic in Arizona

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This one page infographic shows the impact of the opioid epidemic in Arizona. Part of the Arizona ReThink RX Abuse initiative which helps communities educate their citizens about prescription drug safety.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Do You Know What You’re Getting Into? (Version 2)

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. The graphic shows a capsule opening to spill out words that describe the side effects and consequences of prescription drug misuse. It concludes with the tag line: “Do You Know What You Are Getting Into?”

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Do You Know What You’re Getting Into?

Source: Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. The graphic shows a capsule opening to spill out words that describe the side effects and consequences of prescription drug misuse. It concludes with the tag line: “Do You Know What You Are Getting Into?”

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Poster – Abuse Prescription Drugs and They Will Abuse You

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This poster is designed to reach youth with a message about prescription drug misuse. With a vivid yellow and orange background, it includes minimal text and highlights the risks of prescription drug misuse. The key message is: “Abuse prescription drugs, and they will abuse you.” Part of

Payers & Providers

Law Enforcement, Licensing Board Investigator, and AHCCCS Privacy Statement

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse & Arizona Board of Pharmacy

The Arizona State Board of Pharmacy requires law enforcement, licensing board investigators, or staff from the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (e.g., Medicaid) to sign this privacy form before being granted access to the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program. Part of the Arizona ReThink RX Abuse initiative which helps communities educate their citizens about prescription drug safety.

Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Arizona Sample Pain Treatment Patient Agreement Forms

Source: Arizona Rethink RX Abuse

This resource provides two sample patient agreement forms for patients beginning or continuing long term treatment with opioid analgesics or other controlled substances. The agreement forms include information about how to obtain refills, the conditions of medication use, the
