Policymakers & Community Leaders

Public Libraries and the Opioid Crisis – Call to Action

Source: OCLC and the Public Library Association

This toolkit describes strategies public libraries and their staff can adopt to support their communities through the opioid crisis. The strategies are categorized into 5 categories:

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

Collateral Damage of the Opioid Crisis: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren – What They Need and How to Help

Source: Altarum

This 7 page briefing paper from Altarum, and authored by C. Stanik, looks at the impact the opioid crisis has had on grandparents raising grandchildren. Researchers at Altarum conducted interviews with 20 grandmothers in Michigan who were raising their grandchildren and collected 1,015 responses to a nationwide survey of grandparents.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

State of Minnesota Evaluation Guide: Opioid Epidemic Response

Source: State of Minnesota Management and Budget

The Minnesota legislature asked the state Department of Management and Budget (MMB) to do impact evaluations of certain opioid-related state grants. Staff at MMB created this two page guide to briefly explain what impact evaluations are and what is required to conduct an effective impact evaluation.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

San Francisco Methamphetamine Task Force – Program Information

Source: San Francisco Methamphetamine Task Force

This 2 page document of the 2019 San Francisco Methamphetamine Task Force provides a brief description of methamphetamine use in San Francisco and explains the timeline and process the task force used to develop recommendations for addressing methamphetamine in the city.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

San Francisco Methamphetamine Task Force – Final Report

Source: San Francisco Department of Public Health

This report captures findings and considerations from the 2019 San Francisco Methamphetamine Task Force. The task force held focus groups and convened 4 meetings of diverse stakeholders to develop this report,

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Promising State Strategies to Improve Continuity of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Following Incarceration

Source: National Academy for State Health Policy

This website provides a brief overview of state strategies to improve continuity of substance use disorder treatment after release from incarceration from the National Academy for State Health Policy. This report highlights initiatives in 7 state Medicaid programs and provides links to state documents for further information.

External Website
Policymakers & Community Leaders

Ohio Chamber of Commerce Opioid Toolkit

Source: Ohio Chamber of Commerce

The Ohio Chamber of Commerce created this toolkit for businesses to assist them in addressing opioid-related issues. The toolkit includes a free, online course on how to create a “best practice” drug free workplace with 5 components:

External Website
Policymakers & Community Leaders

Convening, Collaborating, Connecting: Courts as Leaders in the Crisis of Addiction

Source: National Judicial Opioid Task Force

This report provides an overview of the National Judicial Opioid Task Force (NJOTF) work on courts and the country’s addiction crisis. The NJOTF was created by the Conference of Chief Justices and the Conference of State Court Administrators to lead state court efforts to address the opioid and addiction crises in the United States.
