Policymakers & Community Leaders

Emergency Response and Crisis Stabilization: Cities Leading the Way

Source: National League of Cities

This third report in a series from the National League of Cities focuses on how local leadership addresses the interrelated challenges of mental illness, substance use and homelessness. This report describes 5 challenges leaders face in creating innovative emergency response or crisis stabilization programs:

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Mental Illness, Substance Use, and Homelessness: Advancing Coordinated Solutions Through Local Leadership

Source: National League of Cities

This first report in a series from the National League of Cities focuses on how local leadership addresses the interrelated challenges of mental illness, substance use and homelessness. This report focuses on communities that have implemented innovative programs to divert individuals in crisis to treatment and services rather than law enforcement sanctions.

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Patients & Caregivers

Integrating Medications for Opioid Use Disorder into a 12-step Treatment Program

Source: Recovery Research Institute

Traditional 12-step, abstinence based substance use disorder treatment programs have generally rejected the use of medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD). The Recovery Research Institute provides a plain-language summary of research that looked at whether it was possible to incorporate MAT into the treatment services offered by a leading 12-step oriented treatment facility.

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Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment, and Recovery

Source: Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment, and Recovery

The Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery was created by Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, to serve as a central location for information about addictions, treatment, and recovery among African Americans.

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Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

Medications for Opioids Use Disorder Save Lives

Evidence Ranking: Proven

Source: National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine

This 2 minute video accompanies the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s report Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Save Lives.

Policymakers & Community Leaders

Opioids Uncharted Initiative

Source: RAND Corporation

The website for RAND Corporation’s Opioids Uncharted initiative compiles RAND’s research on all aspects of the opioid crisis with an emphasis on understanding the multifaceted complexity of the issue. The website includes links to reports, commentaries, blog posts, and multimedia resources.

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