Keep Them Safe (Spanish)

A Spanish language guide for parents and caregivers on how to prevent youth from abusing alcohol and drugs in their lives. It includes advice for how to help youth resist pressure and reduce stress, how to talk to youth about drug use, how to recognize warning signs of substance use, and how to build a family prevention plan. Continue reading

Arizona Naloxone Education and Distribution

Arizona has prioritized naloxone education and distribution to reduce opioid overdose deaths and has created documents and policies to assist in implementing their naloxone program. Links to the project website and copies of policy documents are available for download below.

Arizona Pain and Addiction Curriculum

Deans and curriculum representatives from all 18 schools educating health care providers in Arizona came together to create this non-proprietary curriculum on pain and addiction that is available for use in other states. Links to project websites and the curriculum and faculty guide for download are available below.

Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse Public Health Campaign

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family created a toolkit for communities to launch a public health information campaign to reduce prescription drug abuse. The toolkit includes targeted educational materials and information about implementing harm reduction and safe medication disposal programs as well as information for patients, caregivers, and parents to help them better understand the risks of prescription medications and how to reduce those risks. Continue reading

Naloxone Demo

This one minute video from the Arizona Department of Health Services shows how to identify an opioid overdose and how to administer naloxone to reverse the overdose. Continue reading

Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse

Arizona launched the Rethink Rx Abuse campaign as a way to engage communities in educating their citizens about the risks of prescription drug misuse. This is the website for the campaign where communities can access training from the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family and can Continue reading