Public Health Excellence in Law Enforcement

This is the website for Arizona’s public health excellence in law enforcement award. The website includes criteria for the award, instructions on how to apply, a list of law enforcement agencies who have been recognized through the program, and links to naloxone policies and procedures from recognized law enforcement agencies. Continue reading

Public Health Excellence in Law Enforcement

As part of Arizona’s enhanced opioid data surveillance program, Arizona’s Department of Health Services operates an excellence in law enforcement recognition program. The program recognizes law enforcement agencies that establish naloxone administrative programs and submit their opioid incident data to the on-line reporting portal. Continue reading

Prescribe to Prevent: Prescribe Naloxone, Save a Life

The website Prescribe to Prevent was created by a group of prescribers, pharmacists, public health workers, lawyers and researchers to increase the prescribing and dispensing of naloxone kits to prevent overdose deaths. The website offers patient education materials, free online continuing medical education, and specific Continue reading

North American Syringe Exchange Network

This website for the North American Syringe Exchange Network provides an interactive map that allows users to locate syringe exchange programs (SEPs). Part of the Dave Purchase Initiative which helps SEPs collectively purchase supplies and provides financial support for establishing SEPs.

Funding Source:  Various grants and donations.

Hepatitis C Basics For People Who Use Drugs – Spanish

A Spanish language patient education guide to prevention and treatment of hepatitis C infection for persons who inject drugs from the Harm Reduction Coalition. The guide provides information about hepatitis C, how it affects a patient’s health, how to be tested for the virus, and important considerations for treatment. Continue reading

Hepatitis C Basics For People Who Use Drugs

A patient education guide to prevention and treatment of hepatitis C infection for persons who inject drugs from the Harm Reduction Coalition. The guide provides information about hepatitis C, how it affects a patient’s health, how to be tested for the virus, and important considerations for treatment. Continue reading