Spotlight: Moms and Babies Program

An overview of the Moms and Babies program at the Decatur Correctional Center in Illinois which allows incarcerated women to keep their babies with them for the early development stages and provides the women with parenting education and support. The women are also provided with post-release community reentry services. Women participating in the program have significantly lower rates of recidivism. This report is part of the Addiction Policy Forum’s Spotlight series which highlights innovative programs to address the opioid crisis. Continue reading

Spotlight: Kenton County Detention Center Substance Abuse Program (SAP)

A brief overview of the Kenton County, Kentucky Detention Center’s Substance Abuse Program (SAP) which provides substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and connections to after care for residents of the facility. A 2016 evaluation of SAP programs statewide found participants were highly satisfied with the program and it was associated with reduced recidivism, positive outcomes for participants such as stable housing and employment, and reduced costs for the state. This overview explains how the Kenton County Detention Center structures its SAP program. Part of the Addiction Policy Forum’s Spotlight series which highlights innovative programs to address the opioid crisis.

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Spotlight: Ocean County, New Jersey Prosecutor’s Blue Heroin Addiction Recovery and Treatment (HART)

An overview of the Ocean County, New Jersey Prosecutor’s Office efforts to work with law enforcement to provide access to treatment and recovery for community members with substance use disorders (SUD). The Blue Heroin Addiction Recovery & Treatment (HART) program began with enhanced naloxone distribution to first responders in 2013, expanded to providing recovery support coaches to patients seen in the emergency department for an opioid overdose, and led to creating treatment intake stations at 6 Ocean County police stations. Part of the Addiction Policy Forum’s Spotlight series which highlights innovative programs to address the opioid crisis.

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Yellow Line Project

Website for the Yellow Line Project in Blue Earth County, Minnesota which is a collaboration between law enforcement, human services and care providers to improve coordination and access to treatment for individuals with substance use or mental health conditions in lieu of in incarceration. Continue reading

Medication Assisted Treatment – Law Enforcement, Corrections and Justice Settings

The use of medication assisted treatment (MAT) has increasingly been adopted in justice settings including correctional facilities, re-entry programs, and treatment courts. This collection includes:

  • An 11 minute video featuring the stories of individuals who achieved recovery from addiction through receiving medication-assisted treatment (MAT) while in jail
  • A comprehensive toolkit from the National Council on Behavioral Health and Vital Strategies to guide correctional staff in creating and managing medication assisted treatment programs for individuals with opioid use disorder in jails and prisons
  • A 2019 overview from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of MAT in criminal justice settings
  • A 2019 report from the O’Neill Institute for Global Health Law on legal, legislative and fiscal strategies to implement MAT in correctional facilities, treatment courts and the child welfare system
  • A report from the National Sheriff’s Association and the National Commission on Correctional Health Care on implementing MAT programs in the jail setting
  • A guide from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services and Bureau of Justice Assistance to preventing and addressing medication diversion for medication assisted treatment (MAT) programs in correctional facilities
  • A report from the Legal Action Center on MAT in treatment courts
  • A report from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force on MAT for youth and young adults with justice-involvement
  • An overview from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force of MAT in criminal justice settings
  • A report from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force describing promising strategies for increasing access to MAT in rural areas
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Public Health Excellence in Law Enforcement

This is the website for Arizona’s public health excellence in law enforcement award. The website includes criteria for the award, instructions on how to apply, a list of law enforcement agencies who have been recognized through the program, and links to naloxone policies and procedures from recognized law enforcement agencies. Continue reading

Public Health Excellence in Law Enforcement

As part of Arizona’s enhanced opioid data surveillance program, Arizona’s Department of Health Services operates an excellence in law enforcement recognition program. The program recognizes law enforcement agencies that establish naloxone administrative programs and submit their opioid incident data to the on-line reporting portal. Continue reading

Model Deflection to Treatment Act

This model legislation is designed to help state legislatures create programs in their states that allow law enforcement officers to divert some individuals with substance use disorders or mental health conditions away from arrest and prosecution to treatment and other supportive services. Continue reading

Principles to Guide Behavioral Health Practice in Pre-Arrest Diversion Programs

The Police Treatment and Community Collaborative (PTACC) works to help law enforcement, treatment providers and their community partners develop alternative pathways to arrest and prosecution for individuals with substance use disorder and mental health conditions. This document defines the guiding principles for their work and briefly review the 5 pathways PTACC has designed for pre-arrest diversion programs. Continue reading