Be in the Know – MAT for OUD

A fact sheet for patients and caregivers explaining Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). This document primarily addresses opposition to MAT and clearly states that MAT does not adversely affect a person’s intelligence, mental capability, physical functioning Continue reading

Opioid Epidemic in Arizona

This one page infographic shows the impact of the opioid epidemic in Arizona. Part of the Arizona ReThink RX Abuse initiative which helps communities educate their citizens about prescription drug safety. Continue reading

Arizona Drug Recognition Expert Program

The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program is a specialized training for law enforcement which helps them evaluate, arrest, and prosecute drug impaired drivers. The DRE program began in Los Angeles Police Department and Arizona adopted the program in 1987 and now provides DRE trainings to officers from other states and countries. Continue reading

Center on Addiction

The Center on Addiction website has resources for policymakers, health care providers, patients, and their families and caregivers on addiction related topics including prevention, treatment, and recovery. In 2019, the Center on Addiction and Partnership for Drug-Free Kids merged and Continue reading