Promising Strategies in Providing Opioid Use Disorder Treatment to Rural, Frontier, and other Underserved Communities.

This briefing paper from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force describes effective strategies to improve access to treatment for opioid use disorder in rural regions. The article discusses barriers to treatment in rural areas, particularly stigma against medication assisted treatment, and describes successful programsin rural communities across the country, including programs in Indian Country. Continue reading

Drug Court Practitioner Fact Sheet: Understanding and Detecting Prescription Drug Misuse and Misuse Disorders

This 2016 report by the National Drug Court Institute is an educational publication about prescription drug misuse for court professionals. It includes discussions about commonly misused or addictive prescription drugs including opioids, sedatives, and stimulants; how to identify individual who may have a prescription drug misuse problem; and an overview of treatment options. Continue reading

Implementing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Primary Care: Environmental Scan – Volume 2, Tools and Resources

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has compiled this guide to tools and resources available to help create or expand medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD), particularly in rural areas. The tools are grouped into four categories: tools for prevention of OUD, tools to assist in training or educating individuals about MAT, tools for implementing MAT programs in office-based settings, and tools for preventing or responding to opioid overdose. Continue reading