Life in Rural America

This report summarizes the findings of a poll of 1300 adults living in rural American conducted by National Public Radio, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. According to respondents, the biggest challenges facing rural America Continue reading

Rethink Rx Abuse Strategy 5: Enhance Assessment and Referral to Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Part of Arizona’s Rethink Rx Abuse public health information campaign, these materials are intended to help communities improve patient assessment and referral to substance use disorder treatment. Includes information about medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT), fact sheets on identifying opioid use disorder (OUD) or people at risk for developing OUD, and a guide to finding behavioral health treatment services.

Naloxone Demo

This one minute video from the Arizona Department of Health Services shows how to identify an opioid overdose and how to administer naloxone to reverse the overdose. Continue reading

Arizona Angel Initiative

This website is for the Arizona Angel Initiative, a police assisted addiction recovery program where law enforcement officers help connect individuals with substance use disorder connect to treatment. Continue reading

Signs and Symptoms Youth

This fact sheet lists the signs and symptoms that might indicate a youth has developed a prescription drug misuse problem. It includes specific information about opioid misuse, depressant (anti-anxiety medication and sedatives) misuse, and stimulant misuse along with information about Continue reading

Signs of Prescription Drug Dependence

This fact sheet educates patients and caregivers about warning signs that a person may have developed or be at risk of developing a dependence on opioid pain medications. It provides information about how to get support and access treatment if drug dependence is identified. Part of the Arizona Continue reading