Iowa: Innovations to Address Addiction

A report on innovative community programs to address prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid use disorder and other addictions in the state of Iowa. Part of the Innovations to Address Addiction series of reports from Addiction Policy Forum.

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Indiana: Innovations to Address Addiction

A report on innovative community programs to address prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid use disorder and other addictions in the state of Indiana. Part of the Innovations to Address Addiction series of reports from Addiction Policy Forum. Continue reading

Illinois: Innovations to Address Addiction

A report on innovative community programs to address prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid use disorder and other addictions in the state of Illinois. Part of the Innovations to Address Addiction series of reports from Addiction Policy Forum. Continue reading

Delaware: Innovations to Address Addiction

A report on innovative community programs to address prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid use disorder and other addictions in the state of Delaware. Part of the Innovations to Address Addiction series of reports from Addiction Policy Forum.

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Public Health Excellence in Law Enforcement

This is the website for Arizona’s public health excellence in law enforcement award. The website includes criteria for the award, instructions on how to apply, a list of law enforcement agencies who have been recognized through the program, and links to naloxone policies and procedures from recognized law enforcement agencies. Continue reading

Public Health Excellence in Law Enforcement

As part of Arizona’s enhanced opioid data surveillance program, Arizona’s Department of Health Services operates an excellence in law enforcement recognition program. The program recognizes law enforcement agencies that establish naloxone administrative programs and submit their opioid incident data to the on-line reporting portal. Continue reading

Model Deflection to Treatment Act

This model legislation is designed to help state legislatures create programs in their states that allow law enforcement officers to divert some individuals with substance use disorders or mental health conditions away from arrest and prosecution to treatment and other supportive services. Continue reading

Model Universal Access to Naloxone Act (3rd edition)

This 2019 model universal access to naloxone act is designed to help state legislatures craft legislation to increase prescribing, dispensing, and use of naloxone to reduce opioid overdose deaths. Created by the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, it addresses multiple subjects including statewide standing orders, co-prescribing of naloxone with prescription opioids, distribution of naloxone by first responders, correctional facilities, and community organizations, and other essential legislative clauses. Continue reading