FAQs: Arizona PMP Prescriber Reports

The Arizona Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program issues reports to prescribers who are outliers compared to their peers in the number of prescriptions written for controlled substances and the number of pills dispensed per prescription. These FAQs answer prescriber questions about the report cards.

Funding Source:  Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Sample Prescriber Report Card

An example of a report that an outlier prescriber in Arizona might receive from the Arizona Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program. The report includes information comparing the prescriber to his or her peers on the number of prescriptions written, the quantity of pills prescribed, and information about Continue reading

Strategy 4: Collaborating to Create Safer Communities

The website for Strategy 4 of the Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse public health campaign initiative. Strategy 4 is intended to increase awareness and patient education about Rx drug misuse and abuse.

Funding Source: Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Strategy 3: Collaborating to Create Safer Communities

The website for Strategy 3 of the Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse public health campaign initiative. Strategy 3 focuses on creating safer communities by collaborating with law enforcement.

Funding Source: Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Scorecard on State Health System Performance

The Commonwealth Fund annually compiles information from all states measuring access to care, quality of care, health outcomes, and health disparities. This interactive website allows users to view the data by topic or state. The subject matter of the website is broad, with some measures directly addressing opioid related issues such as drug overdose deaths and access to behavioral health treatment.

Funding Source:  The Commonwealth Fund

Shatter Proof

This is the website for Shatterproof, the nation’s largest nonprofit advocacy group with a mission of ending the disease of addiction. Shatterproof educates policymakers, providers and the public about addiction and works to improve substance use disorder treatment and end stigma around addiction. Continue reading