Changes to Opioid Prescribing and Monitoring

The Washington Medical Commission published this one page guide for allopathic physicians in the state about the new opioid prescribing guidelines. This document summarizes the changes made with the new guidelines.

Funding Source: Washington Medical Commission

Opioid Prescribing in Washington – What You Need to Know

The Washington Medical Commission published this guide for allopathic physicians in the state about the new opioid prescribing guidelines. This 7 page summary of the new rules provides an overview of the changes to practice for physicians.

Funding Source:  Washington Medical Commission

Washington State Opioid Prescribing Requirements for Dentists

The Washington legislature directed the medical associations in the state to develop opioid prescribing guidelines for their professions by 2019. This 4 page document briefly explains the guidelines developed for dentists.

Funding Source:  Washington State Department of Health

Naloxone Prescribing with Opioid Prescriptions

The Washington legislature required all 5 medical licensing boards to develop opioid prescribing guidelines by January 1, 2019. This 4 page document provides information for prescribers on jointly prescribing naloxone with opioid prescriptions and includes a summary of the prescribing guideline requirements on naloxone for nurses, dentists, allopathic physicians, osteopathic physicians, and podiatrists.

Funding Source:  Washington State Department of Health

Opioid Prescribing Rules

This 2 page document provides a brief overview of the development of opioid prescribing guidelines in Washington state. In 2017, the legislature directed the state’s 5 health care prescribing boards and commissions (medical, dental, nursing, osteopathic, and podiatric) to adopt opioid prescribing guidelines. This document summarizes the guideline development process and compares the 5 guidelines Continue reading

Medical Education Core Competencies for the Prevention and Management of Prescription Drug Misuse – Recommendations from the Governor’s Dental Education Working Group on Prescription Drug Misuse

The Governor of Massachusetts created a medical education working group to develop new core competencies for medical student education in the state. The new competencies include training medical students in the prevention of substance use disorder (SUD), how to treat patients at risk for SUD, and how to manage SUD as a chronic disease.

Funding Source:  Office of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Dental Education Core Competencies for the Prevention and Management of Prescription Drug Misuse – Recommendations from the Governor’s Dental Education Working Group on Prescription Drug Misuse

The Governor of Massachusetts created a dental education working group to develop new core competencies for dental education in the state. The new competencies include training dental students in prevention of substance use disorder (SUD), how to treat patients with SUD, and how to provide effective, safe pain care.

Funding Source:  Office of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts