Arizona Angel Initiative

Arizona piloted a Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative in three counties and published a report evaluating the pilot and exploring the possibility of expanding the program statewide. Links to the project website and copy of the report is available for download below.

Arizona Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances

The Arizona legislature adopted a law requiring health care providers to use electronic prescribing for all Schedule II controlled substances by January 1, 2020. Their implementation resources are included in the CLOUD and links to the project website and implementation documents are available below.

Arizona Enhanced Opioid Data Surveillance

Arizona’s Department of Health Services adopted an enhanced opioid data surveillance program that requires first responders and health care providers to report suspected opioid overdoses, suspected opioid overdose deaths, naloxone distribution, and naloxone administration through an electronic reporting system. Providers are also required to report suspected cases of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (neonatal abstinence syndrome). In addition, the state provides blood testing from suspected opioid overdoses by the public health laboratory and has a real time opioid data online dashboard. Links the project website, copies of the executive order and regulations, frequently asked questions, and implementation guides are available below.

Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse Public Health Campaign

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family created a toolkit for communities to launch a public health information campaign to reduce prescription drug abuse. The toolkit includes targeted educational materials and information about implementing harm reduction and safe medication disposal programs as well as information for patients, caregivers, and parents to help them better understand the risks of prescription medications and how to reduce those risks. Continue reading

Arizona’s 50 State Review on Opioid Policy

The Arizona Department of Health Services prepared this 2017 review of opioid related policies in all 50 states to assist decision-makers in evaluating potential policy actions. The review includes appendices which address topics such as prescribing regulations and guidelines, data collection, state substance abuse task forces, and state emergency response declarations. The reports are available for download below.

Arizona Action Plans, General Legislation and Key Reports

This collection includes the state’s Opioid Action Plan, reports from task forces and meetings, information about the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act, Arizona’s applications for the State Opioid Response Grant and Opioid State Targeted Response Grant, and links to key websites.

Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse

Arizona launched the Rethink Rx Abuse campaign as a way to engage communities in educating their citizens about the risks of prescription drug misuse. This is the website for the campaign where communities can access training from the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family and can Continue reading

Arizona Angel Initiative

This website is for the Arizona Angel Initiative, a police assisted addiction recovery program where law enforcement officers help connect individuals with substance use disorder connect to treatment. Continue reading