Integrated Care for High Risk Pregnancies: A Pilot Project to Improve Medical Assistance Birth Outcomes

In 2015, the Minnesota Legislature directed the Department of Human Services to implement a pilot program to improve birth outcomes – the Integrated Care for High Risk Pregnancies (ICHRP) Initiative. The pilot program was designed to reach two demographic groups: African Americans at risk for low birth weight births in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and American Indians at risk for opiate use during pregnancy. Continue reading

Provider Implementation Guide Using a Medication First Model

The Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) created this provider implementation guide for their Medication First opioid use disorder treatment model. The Medication First treatment model was developed by DMH staff with assistance from staff from the Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and is based on the successful Housing First model used to address homelessness. Continue reading

Illegal Pill Presses: An Overlooked Threat to American Patients

This report examines the use of illegal pill presses to create counterfeit medications that have been linked to overdose deaths in 29 states. Written by professionals from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, and the Partnership for Safe Medicines, the report looks at the extent of the problem and considers possible legislative and law enforcement options to address the risk. Continue reading

Maryland: Innovations to Address Addiction

A report on innovative community programs to address prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid use disorder and other addictions in the state of Maryland. Part of the Innovations to Address Addiction series of reports from Addiction Policy Forum.

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